Choose from more than 1 million Swagelok CAD files and sales drawings in multi-lingual formats. CAD templates are available in a variety of 2D or 3D file formats.
The eDTR (Electronic Desktop Technical Reference for Swagelok Products) provides access to catalogs, certifications, technical specifications, and resources.
Reference Point provides industrial professionals with insights and analysis to help decrease downtime, increase efficiencies, troubleshoot, and maintain safety.
Just about every metal corrodes under certain conditions, but with proper materials selection the threat can be minimized.
Swagelok Minnesota | North Dakota | Appleton offers many product certification documents to meet your needs.
Swagelok Minnesota | North Dakota | Appleton offers many product compliance documents to meet your needs.
Partnering with local companies early to help scale growth allows us to help them start right, stay right. Our goal is to make companies more efficient.
Become more familiar with Swagelok through these quick videos featuring tech tips, product information, onsite services and more.
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