Gas Distribution Systems

Fully Assembled and Tested Gas Distribution Panels

The job of a gas distribution system is fairly simple: safely and efficiently deliver specialty or utility gases from a high-pressure source to points of use through a facility at the required pressure and flow rate. Unfortunately, not all systems do what is needed in an efficient manner and you might have issues such as:

  • Inefficient gas bottle usage
  • Undetected leaks
  • Safety hazards
  • Regulator creep
  • Labor intensive maintenance
  • Downtime when gas is not available

Often, industrial facilities do not have pressure reduction expertise or resources to effectively address these issues in their gas distribution systems. We can help.

Start by exploring how to improve the safety and performance of gas delivery at your facility in this helpful Swagelok® Gas Distribution eBook. Request your copy today.


Gas Delivery Solutions Address Your Top Concerns

When you need a method of delivering gases safely and efficiently, considered an assembled solution from Swagelok Minnesota | North Dakota | Appleton. Swagelok engineers have designed gas distribution systems that minimize potential leak points, are easy to understand and service, and are built with reliable Swagelok products. You'll appreciate the benefits of our gas distribution systems because they offer: 

All-In-One Solutions Take Care of Gas Delivery 

Our four sub-systems are expertly designed based on best practices to tackle problems with taking gas from a cylinder source to any point of use whether in a laboratory, plant, or analytical system. Each modular panel features minimal thread connections to reduce potential leak points, and they are intuitively labeled to promote safe, simple use and maintenance. Our systems also offer: 

  • A streamlined process of building a gas distribution system that starts with one of four standard designs
  • Opportunities to customize your system to accommodate a variety of parameters
  • A completely assembled, pressure tested, and leak-tight system built with the best quality products
  • Design and selection support from your local Swagelok team 

See how we can work together to get you just what you need:


Swagelok Gas Distribution Systems Options

Whether you need a standard solution or something customized, our one piece gas distribution systems eliminate the need to design an entire system from scratch. Our standard gas delivery panels are easy to order as single part numbers to help minimize your time spent on procurement. In addition, each system is highly configurable so you can add features or make modifications to suit your needs. Choose from these options:


Swagelok Point-of-Use (SPU)

The SPU provides the critical last stage of pressure control prior to gas being used. It offers:

  • Convenient and accurate way of adjusting pressure
  • Top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top flow to meet your setup needs
  • Flat plate, bottom mount, top mount, and wall mount options  



View demo of the Swagelok Point-of-Use (SPU) system:


Swagelok Gas Panel (SGP)

As the primary gas pressure control, the SGP completes the first pressure reduction of the source gas to ensure it is delivered at the correct flow rate to the next stage of the system. It offers:

  • Ability to set system pressure at the bottle
  • Precision and ease of use
  • Single stage or dual stage options for accuracy
  • Additional pressure relief options available




View demo of the Swagelok Gas Panel (SGP) system:


Swagelok Changeover (SCO)

Our SCO automatically and seamlessly switches from one gas source to another to ensure an uninterrupted supply of gas for important industrial applications. It offers:

  • Ability to accept gas input from two separate sources
  • Flexibility to set changeover pressure to your specification
  • Cost savings by using more of the gas in the bottles



View demo of the Swagelok Changeover (SCO) system:


Swagelok Source Inlet (SSI)

The SSI establishes a connection between the high-pressure gas source and the rest of the gas distribution system. It offers:

  • All appropriate components so gas can be safely fed into the primary gas pressure control or automatic changeover
  • Options to purge or vent gases when changing bottles
  • A gas supply from one bottle to many bottles manifolded together




Hear Swagelok engineers discuss the benefits of the four gas distribution subsystems:


Address Safety Issues with a Better Gas Delivery System

Gas distribution systems often experience leaks and inefficiencies that go unaddressed. Yet leaving issues unchecked can compromise the safety of personnel at your facility. That's why Swagelok gas distribution systems are designed with safety in mind. Our systems reduce the potential for gas leaks to help maximize operator safety and save unnecessary costs. Instead of worrying about potential dangers, turn to us for a safer gas distribution system. 

Q&A: How to Reduce Costs and Improve Safety with Gas Distribution

Learn some common challenges plants face with their gas distribution systems and ways to solve them.

Reduce Your Spend by Improving Gas Distribution

Read how our complete suite of gas distribution subsystems can help reduce your maintenance spend.

How to Control Costs and Improve Safety in Your Gas Distribution Systems

Gas distribution systems are critical, and they can represent an opportunity to enhance safety and control costs.

Discover the Cost-Savings Opportunities 

The job of a gas distribution system is fairly simple: safely and efficiently deliver specialty or utility gasses from a high-pressure source to points of use through a facility at the required pressure and flow rate. Unfortunately, not all systems do what is needed in an efficient manner and you might have extra spending from issues such as:

  • Inefficient gas bottle usage
  • Undetected leaks
  • Regulator creep
  • Labor intensive maintenance
  • Downtime when gas is not available

Now is your chance to stop wasteful spending caused by your gas distribution systems. If you're tired of inefficient bottle usage, gas leaks, downtime, and lengthy maintenance, consider how a Swagelok gas distribution system can deliver cost-savings opportunities. 

Ways to save with a Swagelok gas distribution system:

field engineer auditing a gas distribution panel


Alleviate Maintenance Concerns

Traditionally, gas panel design has been far from intuitive, with confusing layouts, blocked components, and disassembly that is both time-consuming and labor intensive. Operations can be dramatically slowed down or even stopped if gas is not available when and where it is needed. Gas panels present challenges such as:

  • Malfunctioning components
  • Design inefficiencies
  • Minor issues that go unnoticed

In addition, your personnel are often not knowledgeable in these systems. We recognize that any kind of downtime can hurt your bottom line. If you're tired of complicated gas distribution maintenance take a look at how our gas distribution system panels were designed based on best practices. 

Optimized gas panel design features: 

  • Straight forward design
  • High quality parts
  • Modular panels for efficient use of space
  • Minimal threaded connections to reduce potential leak points
  • Intuitively labeled to promote safe, simple use, and maintenance


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Identifying Cost Savings in Gas Systems

An optimized gas panel design can deliver more intuitive operation and significant cost savings.

Problems with Gas Delivery Solved

Find everything you need to improve your gas distribution system. 

How to Improve Fluid System Performance

Training and education can help technicians better diagnose maintenance issues.

Purchasing a Swagelok Gas Distribution System

Our standard gas delivery panels come fully assembled and tested. They are easy to order from our application guide as single part numbers, minimizing the time your engineers spend on specification and procurement of new systems. From start to finish we have a quick and easy process in place to deliver a safe, efficient, and reliable gas distribution system to your facility. 

We know the beginning to any project starts with a budget. To help you make plans for adding a gas distribution system to your facility, we can provide a starting price for each base model system (final pricing is based on component selection and availability).

During the purchasing process, you'll work with your local Swagelok team from Swagelok Minnesota | North Dakota | Appleton who can offer design and selection support. During the initial phase you'll receive:

  • Consultation on design selection
  • Fully designed CAD system
  • Updated quote for approval

See how our field engineering team can help improve gas distribution at your facility:



Gas Distribution System Inquiry


Email or call 800-422-6410